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The Scientific Journal SOPIN in focus is the official organ of the Sociedade Piauiense de Neurocirurgia (SPN) and proposes to publish articles neurosurgical doctors.

The volumes are annual and consist of 3 quarterly publications. Thus, unpublished works, in the form of original articles, case reports, review articles, anatomoclinical correction, brief notes and letters to the Editor may be accepted, provided they have not been sent for publication in another journal, the articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English; with abstract and keywords in Portuguese and abstract and keywords in English.

Articles for consideration by this editorial board should be sent online to the email:

All articles must also contain a title in English and a Short Title. Each and every work may receive modifications, to adapt to the general structure of the Journal. Articles that do not conform to the rules or that are not adapted to the editorial needs of the Journal will be returned to the author corresponding, for the necessary adaptations.


The abstract must contain a maximum of 200 words. Text font in Arial or Times New Roman 12. References in Vancouver standards. Send proof of approval to the Ethics and Research Committee (CEP) or the National Health Council (CONEP).


The issues of publications may present as content:

Editorial - Critical and in-depth commentary, prepared by people with notable experience on the subject addressed. It could be because Request by the Journal or not and related or not to an article in Publication.

Original Article - Covering new inventions, experiences neuro-surgical or other original contributions.

Review Article - Review articles must be critical reviews of the literature on a given subject. must be described the methods and procedures adopted for the review. The text must be based on updated literature review.

Updates - Current focus on a particular aspect of neurosurgery, usually commissioned by the magazine. It may occasionally be Accepts an update spontaneously sent by the author.

Case Report - Presentation of cases of peculiar interest with comments pertinent succinct. A maximum of six pages and ten bibliographic references.


Brief Communications - Small experiences that have the character of originality, not exceeding six laudas and ten bibliographies.


Anatomoclinical Correlation - Detailed description of a case of general interest and discussion of its clinical laboratory aspects and data pathological. 

Letters to the Editor - Observations on recently published aspects, may or may not generate answers from the questioned author, or comments briefs on some medical subject of collective interest.

Prof. Dr. Nazareno Pearce Brito

Rua São Pedro, 2123 - Teresina, PI 64001-260

Tel: (86) 3223-5325

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